Sit to meditate in a comfortable position with your back and spine straight. Notice your spine and be more aware of the spinal pathway and higher brain centers.
Observe the flow of your breath. Then, feel (use your imagination
if you need to in the beginning) that an ascending current of vital
force is flowing smoothly up through the energy centers into the
spiritual eye and higher brain as you breathe in.
Feel the current descend from the brain to the bottom of the spine
as you breathe out. This is called sushumna (radiant path or path
of God) breathing. Its practice encourages prana (life force energy) to flow through
the central channel in the spinal pathway. This has a calming effect on
the mind and internalizes attention to allow meditation to unfold
naturally. It also awakens dormant life forces in the body which
enliven the energy centers and the entire
nervous system.
Affirm: "My meditation practice is enhanced
by breathing with awareness of the energy
moving in my spine."
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