Meditation Introduction

Kriya Yoga is a purposeful practice of kriyas (actions) that promote union with God, our Source. We hope you find the kriyas (actions) and information here as helpful as we have in deepening your meditation practice. They are helpful in supporting mental focus, emotional calm, and our innate awareness of that which is - Absolute Reality. 

Meditation is not passive; it is a focused concentration that stills the thought waves of the mind. This allows our innate knowing to rise to our conscious awareness.   As the waves of mental activity subside, our awareness becomes more clear and we then know our true nature and ultimate Reality.  

We share with you an ancient Vedic hymn:

I salute the Supreme Teacher, the Truth, whose nature is bliss,
who is the giver of the highest happiness,
who is pure wisdom,
who is beyond all qualities and infinite like the sky,
who is beyond words,
who is One and eternal,
who is pure and still, 
who is beyond all change and phenomena, and 
who is the silent witness to all our thoughts and emotions.
I salute Truth, the Supreme Teacher.

Richest blessings ~

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