Alternate Nostril Breathing

There is a technique referred to as "alternate nostril breathing," which has its origins in the physiology of the brain. Our brain has two hemispheres. The left side of the brain is associated with practical matters such as thinking of words, logic, numbers, facts, etc., while the right side is associated with creativity, imagination, intuition, the arts. When you balance your checkbook, the left side is at work; drawing a picture belongs to the right side.

What this breathing technique encourages is a merging of the two sides so that we experience the world around us in a more holistic fashion. It also has a dramatic calming effect, which is very useful in this extraordinary time. Choose a quiet place, get comfortable, and follow these simple instructions:

Using your finger, or finger and thumb, close one side of your nostril and inhale.  Pause for a brief moment, and then close the other nostril.  This time, exhale, pause briefly, and then exhale once more.  You are switching nostrils at the end of each inhalation.

This is different from how we generally think of breathing.  Rather than inhale and then exhale, we are asking the brain to exhale and then inhale.  It is a subtle difference but significant.

After doing this for several minutes with your eyes closed, you may notice a marked relaxation in your body.  Enjoy!    

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