
Our Energetic Hearts

💖 Based on teachings from our dear teacher, Sandra Faye:  

“We know that when the heart is in a loving, caring environment, it is more likely to beat in a coherent, silky-smooth way.  When there is conflict and anger, it is more likely to beat in an irritable, haphazard way as opposing forces battle within.”  ~ Sandra Faye 

Our energy operates at very subtle levels, invisible to our physical eyes, and yet, our energy affects every aspect of our lives, including our vitality, creativity, and our overall well-being. Remember, when we are in balance and using this energy as we were created to do, we can find ourselves full of more hope and joy, finding more self-discipline, being more loving, understanding, and nurturing to ourselves and others. When this happens, one can be self-propelled effortlessly to make the right contacts and decisions which bring exactly what is needed for your particular journey. 

Working through our hearts sets aside the judgment and control we try to impose on our self and others. It is where we learn to truly share of ourselves and not take advantage of another living being. We also learn to give and receive unconditionally.  Some of you may wonder why you were born in a location that did not feel right but had to live there for a while due to parental decisions or other reasons. Look at it as a wonderful experience helping you to learn to pay attention to your own energy. It can create the desire in you to seek and find an environment that feels right for you. 

As you feel the energy of your own heart flowing smoothly within and without, I invite you to allow and encourage lifestyle changes and even a change in the direction of your life to flow freely. Can you listen to the call from your heart to open more fully to your body, mind, and spirit? 

As Sandra Faye has said: “The more we fulfill our souls needs to manifest the divine kingdom on earth (that includes our body) the more you feel fulfillment in your daily life. The more you fulfill yourself, the closer you come to your authentic self as you were created to be.”

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