
Living In Grace

“Grace is the enlivening life (spirit) of God supporting and transforming creation. It expresses throughout the field of nature and from within every soul. It directs the course of evolution and awakens souls from their “sleep” of mortality. Living consciously with the rhythms of life, we are increasingly receptive and responsive to the actions of grace.” ~ Roy E. Davis, An Easy Guide to Meditation

To live in and act from grace is the calling of our true self. Rather than be confined to experiencing life only through our five physical senses, we have ‘spiritual senses’ that receive guidance directly from this enlivening life. As we learn to utilize all our senses, we live within the awareness that we are living in a field of grace.
Grace is a constant presence and inner guide that is the carrier of Truth which we absorb through experience, reflection, and meditation. As we develop a rich interior spiritual life, we find a divine well of grace that is endlessly supplied. Grace is an uplifting presence to be felt; it is loving support in the midst of sorrow or life’s challenges; it is wise intuition that knows the best course for every situation. As clear channels of grace, our spiritual senses draw us toward what is best for all in any circumstance. We are able to think of life’s journey as an endless series of experiences that lead us more deeply into grace.
In intentional meditation practices, the cerebrospinal fluid flows along the spinal column (climbing Jacobs Ladder with its 33 rungs of vertebrae) to the brain, enlivening and awakening the twelve cranial nerves (12 Disciples) and the pineal gland. The pineal gland, when active, acts like a radio receiver that turns a signal into meaningful coherent information.
Meditation establishes capacity for intuitive-based feelings to become ‘set-up’ on the nervous system. It awakens the five ordinary senses of perception into heightened functionality, becoming re-oriented away from their habitual patterns of unconscious behavior and attraction so that “living consciously with the rhythms of life, we are increasingly receptive and responsive to the actions of grace.”

          Blessings of grace to all ~

The Fabric of Force Fields

Non-attachment does not mean relinquishment of this or any other world, but it means the proper recognition of the One Consciousness working in and through all forms, as the forms, and as the activity. ~ Roy Eugene Davis ~ 

Currently, there is a strong interaction of force fields now affecting our planet and potentially influencing everything here. It is an astrological aspect where Saturn and Pluto are in conjunction – they are at the same position in the sky. This is a fairly rare event – occurring about every 35 years. These two planets radiate vastly different energies and each is now vying for top billing. 

Saturn represents physical structures; status quo; withholding and resistance to change; following rules and established boundaries. It feels serious and conservative. While Pluto brings change that 'absolutely' has to happen. It represents death and rebirth – the new coming from the ashes of the old; a regeneration and rejuvenation. It disposes of situations that have gone past the point of no return, where the only solution is to let go. 

The effect of these energies is visible in the turmoil seen in our country and world. You may have noticed incidents in your own life that have reflected these competing force fields. Gratefully, the existence of force fields in our energetic environment becomes clearer as we become more sensitive through our spiritual practice. We become more aware of our intuition and notice its information as it provides assistance in navigating these energies and realizing our individual best path through. 

Take comfort and know that as we mature spiritually, we naturally assume a balanced, calm expression. We become less affected by energy fluctuations in our environment. We no longer feel their influence as deeply, as our attention is drawn upwards and away from the maelstrom. We become the observer of, rather than a reactor to, what we see.

We are not alone here. We are all interconnected. Encourage your consciousness to expand and take in the totality of what is unfolding. Be grateful for those who have brought you along; and be willing to continue the exchange by providing kindness and encouragement to others. Our teacher, Sandra Faye, reminds us of our divine connection in the following quotations: 

“By our prayers and meditation and awareness levels, we draw millions into Light realms and are no longer lost in various realms. As we overcome situations and experiences which may be very uncomfortable, we help many brothers and sisters along the way who may be also trying to overcome or work successfully through uncomfortable situations.” 

“I have used this statement many times, which says, 'We must do the best we can with what we have to do it with. We must also remember that we absolutely will not be given more than we can personally handle.'” 

Blessings to you all.