

“It is absolutely important that you set your personal self aside and recognize fully that the group counts most now. All of life is an opportunity, and individual reaction to opportunity is one of the factors which indicate soul growth.”   Sandra Faye, CSA Minister

Strong desires and spiritual perceptions have been a force lifting us up to the heights of self-discovery learning what is OUR freedom through OUR right action.

 A big part of the plan for this earth is to prepare humanity to work in greater group formation. By becoming more sensitive to the greater Plan and also becoming more sensitive to your group vibration, your ability to cooperative intelligently with the great spiritual purpose unfolding in front of YOU will become more obvious.

 Do be aware that some are naturally drawn within and can pursue the contemplative path more easily. Also, there are those who attention flows outward more strongly, and they crave involvement and activity. However, most people have both characteristics in their nature. Balance between is the key frequency to invite into your life.

 An enlightened person works as an example to others, for the maintenance of the well-being of the entire social order and to give vent to the energies which crave release and directions.  It has been said that it is the nature of the universe to expand, and the nature of life is to express. We are that part of life that expresses.

 We are always asked by the higher teachings to participate in the Divine Plan if we are to know freedom. What is the Divine Plan? Perhaps it is to look at what you have been given to work with, do it to the best of your ability, and learn to be at peace with your brothers and sisters and all of creation.

 The individual and the cosmos depend on each other so there is that mutual interdependence. We are not here to work in order to please God, whatever our concept of God might be. We are to work properly so that we might become conscious that we are part of a grand and glorious cosmic process. We are to find freedom in the moment as a result of being with a right attitude. We are always blessed simply because we are created to be in this magnificent universal plan. Perhaps what we need to be working at most of all is being receptive to those eternal blessings coming at us daily, moment by moment, and recognizing them as they are received. Then our actions will be fully understood as a part of our life in balance. An ideal attitude can be “...the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works.” KJV John 14:10

 In the Bhagavad Gita, the philosophy which Krishna is sharing relates to the concept of the interconnectedness of society. If the basic lifestyle is to be decent and orderly, the world must work harmoniously in all of its parts, from the subtle to the gross, through the enlightened and unenlightened. The aim of religion in its highest sense, is to spiritualize society (not control) and establish brotherhood on earth.  Even if we think a negative thought, we have passed it onto others in an energy vortex. Yes, even as you do it, positive or negative.

 Whatever our thoughts and feelings are, we are to offer love and radiant Light to all humanity, whatever their beliefs may be. Those who have become more awakened to the wisdom of the ages, think of heaven externalized on the planet for the betterment of ALL.

 “by THINKING the truth teachings which you have awakened to thus far, you radiate a service to mankind. By focusing together as a group and THINKING, you will enhance even more your service to humanity and the new age coming forth.”    Sandra Faye

 Opening yourself up to assist the ever evolving journey of life in whatever way you can, can be your freedom, your positive influence and your service to our world.

 We invite you to stay playful


Global Patterns

“We all need to realize and affirm within our own minds, that a NEW WORLD has arrived and life, as we’ve known it in the past, has changed forever.”      Sandra Faye

Without a doubt, each of us can expand our consciousness and believe in our ability to manifest a world living in harmony. Yes, we can look beyond the world of chaos and see, feel, and believe that WE CAN bring forth some big ideas as we plant seed for the future healthy fruits of life.  It is so easy to feel overwhelmed and helpless about what we see all around us, but let us look at a new world, one which we have helped to create.  

Throughout the world, in different languages, there is a common thinking when we discuss the crisis we face as a global family and that is the thought that the world problems seem so big that we can’t possibly make a difference. WRONG!  

Where do we even begin?  Perhaps you can accept a simple answer that will work for sure, and that is to know that NATURE makes the big changes on this planet from simple, small experiences by us.  We create and we destroy.  But if we make the better choices in our everyday life and we then merge with those better choices of others around the world, we become the collective answer to the crises of our time.  Of course, mother nature will change and rearrange according to the greatest needs of our time and we must simply “go with the flow.”

Ancient wisdom teachers have taught us to give energy to that which lifts the spirit and to see our world become harmonious because simple everyday actions COUNT towards the future world we are creating.  We are being birthed from the womb so to speak, and yes, it can be painful but worthwhile as we view the beauty of the new child, the new world of the future. 

Yes, we can contemplate the fact that the world we knew in earlier years is not going to arrive again, but we can direct where this new ride is taking us.  While we don't determine the grand plan, WE CAN guide it to a gentler landing in our future.

How?  Contemplate harmony - in your own thoughts and feelings, and in the world around you.  Spend a short time outside every day, focusing on how every element of the world is working in harmony.  Be near a place where you can hear the birds and watch the bees, butterflies, and insects doing their thing; watch ALL peoples of all races interact peacefully – LOOK FOR ALL OF THIS AND CREATE EVEN MORE. 

Learn the joy of being still and knowing God. Then you will become acquainted with THE GREAT dynamic power of creation by the Source and the method of using it as a gift to all of humanity. This then truly is experiencing the Kingdom of Heaven that is WITHIN.