
Embracing Kriya

E    Empathetically listening to others with an open heart and mind

M    Mindful meditation shifting our consciousness

B    Balancing mind, body and spirit

R    Reaching out to help others when needed

A    Accepting and loving ourselves and others as they are

C    Create heart space to support others

  Immersing ourselves in the Infinite

  Nurturing our bodies with a healthy lifestyle

G    Grateful for all the blessings we receive

K    Kindred spirits supporting each other through life's journey

R    Recalling our innate desire to fulfil our Life's purpose

I    Intuitively share our knowledge to the best of our ability

Y    Yearn for a deeper connection with our Divine Source

A    Accept and welcome all who seek our guidance

Blessing to ALL!

Sandra Faye


"Peace in Our Hearts" by Eliza Gilkyson

You are invited to visit Eliza Gilkyson's website and sing along.

We're gonna walk together arm in arm with peace in our hearts

We're gonna walk together arm in arm with peace in our hearts

Gonna walk together arm in arm

So our sisters and brothers won't come to any harm

We know we got peace in our hearts

We're gonna walk with every color and tribe with peace in our hearts

We're gonna walk with every color and tribe with peace in our hearts

We're gonna walk with every color and tribe 

'Cause we're stronger together when we're on the same side

We know we got peace in our hearts

We're gonna stand for the Earth and the children too with peace in our hearts

We're gonna stand for the Earth and the children too with peace in our hearts

Gonna stand for the earth and the children too 'cause it will take everyone to

   make this dream come true

We know we got peace in our hearts

We're gonna stare into the face of the hateful mind with peace in our hearts

We're gonna stare into the face of the hateful mind with peace in our heart

We're gonna stare into the face of the hateful mind

All we gotta do is let our lovelight shine

We know we got peace in our hearts

We're gonna walk together arm in arm with peace in our hearts

We're gonna walk together arm in arm with peace in our hearts

Gonna walk together arm in arm

So our sisters and brothers won't come to any harm

We know we got peace in our hearts

We got so much love

We know we got peace in our hearts

"We are atoms of life surrounded by an ocean of Life, pulsating, moving, thinking, living."                        William Walker Atkinson

Happy Holidays --- sharon ann


Our Changing Times

"If we could change ourselves, the tendencies in the world would also change. As a man changes his own nature, so does the attitude of the world change towards him. We need not wait to see what others do."     Mahatma Gandhi

As we watch the plants and trees and flowers start to bud and grow, I invite you to tune into seeing and feeling the new life that is around you. As you see the bunnies and the new born calves and colts in their surroundings, I invite you to tune into seeing and feeling the new life that has begun for them. 

Everyday renewal may be seen in listening to that still small voice within, following an intuitive thought without knowing why, saying a kind word, thinking compassionate thoughts. Just as the seasons change so do we. What can you see and feel in your life that is beginning to bud, to grow, to awaken, what's going to sleep, what is changing, how can we encourage change in our lives?

Mastering our awareness by knowing and feeling our limitlessness drops opinions, fears, judgements and other subconscious attitudes allowing room for changes in our behaviors for self and thus towards others.

With the mastering of transformations, we can make choices on how we feel, think, and act. This helps  to balance and recognize our humanness while celebrating our divine oneness.

Mastering personal intentions by centering  from within self-love and self-acceptance to nurture and grow our belief that we are infinite.

There are many paths to reach mastering these areas but do they not all share one truth? In order to make change in your life, one may need to change the mind. To change the mind, one must be awake paying close attention to the personal power that each one of us has to make a change.

And this is one way each of us can actively join all forms of life and allow a feeling and a believing that God is right here with us, inside each life and each heartbeat, inside everyone and everything that exists.

Paramahansa Yogananda once said that resurrection was any uplifting or beneficial change. So I invite you to have "resurrections" repeatedly while gently acknowledging yourself as human and evolving.

May Inner Peace Be Yours,

Sharon Ann



We are recognizing that more and more people are paying attention to the importance of keeping our systems in proper Alkaline-Acid balance to experience superior health condition. However, in this writing I would like to present some ideas that have more to do with

the spiritual factors of alkaline-acid.

The secret of establishing and maintaining an alkaline-forming state of being is devotion in the form of service to others. This does not mean that you must give everything you have away or run around being a "do-gooder" 24/7. The act of service is sometimes misunderstood. It is not always a world shaking humanitarian project or teaching 29 workshops in 30 days. It is generally the essential way you treat your neighbor and yourself. A warm loving smile for someone who feels all is lost and is down and out, the sincere touch to the hand of someone who is desperate means so much. A monetary offering to someone in need, the kind word or prayer for an animal in pain, the blessing of the food you prepare and laughing with a friend who needs a good belly laugh at a time of illness, are only a very few examples of service to others.

Let us remember this as well, the alkaline forming state of being is not driven by anxiety or ambition. Recognition and fame may come because the nature of love has been realized by others. From the realization and action taken regarding service to others, proper alkalinity continuously permeates the physical body.

While you activate your ability to be of service keep this in mind - be mindful of manifesting the highest and best in yourself in every way. A truly alkaline-forming state of Being is internally full of joy, peacefulness and contentment. Alkalinity then will flow in the body, sweeten your life and lift you into the heavenly realms.

This information is offered at this time to assist so many who are wondering about their current situations concerning health issues as well as financial anxieties. My suggestion would be, take the time you would normally spend pacing the floor or sitting and going over and over in your mind all the negative issues you face, and to walk or drive looking for a service to offer others in need, several times a day. Take the time you normally spend on being frustrated at the current world issues that you so desperately disagree with, and give all that energy to the world you want to see in your life.

Last but not least, the energy produced by prayer alkalizes all that it touches, even the food you eat. If your prayer is hurriedly recited with no real in depth intention and feeling, then very little higher energy is experienced.

Begin to contemplate what the Holy Spirit means to you. I will speak from personal experience when I say that the most powerful and rapid way of achieving an alkaline-forming reaction in the body is to be in alignment with the Holy Spirit. The holy essence which flows and transmutes acid waste products almost instantly.

May we live from the essence of Being, Remembering always that at the innermost level of our Being we are always whole, serene, and knowledgeable. Affirm that you will always calmly and wisely live from the essence of your Being.

(for further information you can contact Sharon Ann at namastesharon@yahoo.com  with a subject of Alkalize Your System)




“It is absolutely important that you set your personal self aside and recognize fully that the group counts most now. All of life is an opportunity, and individual reaction to opportunity is one of the factors which indicate soul growth.”   Sandra Faye, CSA Minister

Strong desires and spiritual perceptions have been a force lifting us up to the heights of self-discovery learning what is OUR freedom through OUR right action.

 A big part of the plan for this earth is to prepare humanity to work in greater group formation. By becoming more sensitive to the greater Plan and also becoming more sensitive to your group vibration, your ability to cooperative intelligently with the great spiritual purpose unfolding in front of YOU will become more obvious.

 Do be aware that some are naturally drawn within and can pursue the contemplative path more easily. Also, there are those who attention flows outward more strongly, and they crave involvement and activity. However, most people have both characteristics in their nature. Balance between is the key frequency to invite into your life.

 An enlightened person works as an example to others, for the maintenance of the well-being of the entire social order and to give vent to the energies which crave release and directions.  It has been said that it is the nature of the universe to expand, and the nature of life is to express. We are that part of life that expresses.

 We are always asked by the higher teachings to participate in the Divine Plan if we are to know freedom. What is the Divine Plan? Perhaps it is to look at what you have been given to work with, do it to the best of your ability, and learn to be at peace with your brothers and sisters and all of creation.

 The individual and the cosmos depend on each other so there is that mutual interdependence. We are not here to work in order to please God, whatever our concept of God might be. We are to work properly so that we might become conscious that we are part of a grand and glorious cosmic process. We are to find freedom in the moment as a result of being with a right attitude. We are always blessed simply because we are created to be in this magnificent universal plan. Perhaps what we need to be working at most of all is being receptive to those eternal blessings coming at us daily, moment by moment, and recognizing them as they are received. Then our actions will be fully understood as a part of our life in balance. An ideal attitude can be “...the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works.” KJV John 14:10

 In the Bhagavad Gita, the philosophy which Krishna is sharing relates to the concept of the interconnectedness of society. If the basic lifestyle is to be decent and orderly, the world must work harmoniously in all of its parts, from the subtle to the gross, through the enlightened and unenlightened. The aim of religion in its highest sense, is to spiritualize society (not control) and establish brotherhood on earth.  Even if we think a negative thought, we have passed it onto others in an energy vortex. Yes, even as you do it, positive or negative.

 Whatever our thoughts and feelings are, we are to offer love and radiant Light to all humanity, whatever their beliefs may be. Those who have become more awakened to the wisdom of the ages, think of heaven externalized on the planet for the betterment of ALL.

 “by THINKING the truth teachings which you have awakened to thus far, you radiate a service to mankind. By focusing together as a group and THINKING, you will enhance even more your service to humanity and the new age coming forth.”    Sandra Faye

 Opening yourself up to assist the ever evolving journey of life in whatever way you can, can be your freedom, your positive influence and your service to our world.

 We invite you to stay playful